Monday, June 3, 2013

Favorite thing about racing?

Hey everyone,
I know it’s been a while since I posted, but it’s been a crazy few weeks. Lots of great racing going on all over the country.
Now some of you may know this and some may not, but I am an active volunteer in the SCCA WDCR region and travel to many tracks on the east coast. I have been an emergency services volunteer for over 4 years and this season I started doing some slight hosting and interviewing for the SCCA US Majors Tours for the Eastern Conference! It’s a great experience and I love meeting all the drivers and really getting into their racing minds!
This brought up a question to me…. What is your favorite part of being at the race track? (Any track any time) Is it racing, friends, watching the races, crewing, volunteering, or meeting new people, etc.?
We want to know so leave us a comment!
Keep that engine running!

1 comment:

  1. Taylor, most people know me as a RegiStar but I started volunteering with the SCCA WDC region with EV (Emergency Vehicles pre Emergency Services) in 1979. I worked on George's tilt bed (the first one) and manned the radio at Abel.

    I started volunteering in Registration in the Silo in 1982 when my then husband wanted to drive race cars. When my husband left, I came back to my SCCA family.

    Over the last 34 years, a lot has changed with SCCA and the track. However, one thing has remained constant - radio protocol. "Control, this is Abel/Registration" and wait for the response from Control.
